Benefits Of Using An Audio Detection CCTV System. Since it was first invented in 1942, CCTV has been the cornerstone of security for many businesses and homes. Over time the technology has evolved; modern CCTV security systems provide better image quality than older models.
However, they can miss important details. Today you can find audio-detection CCTV systems that record sound and images. This is a revolutionary step in CCTV security, but is it worth investing in? Of course, audio detection CCTV systems have their strengths and weaknesses, just like any technology.
However, the overwhelming consensus is that adding audio detection and recording to a security system has significant benefits.
Traditional and audio CCTV share the same essential benefits. These are deterring and preventing crime, monitoring high-risk areas, and providing evidence of crimes. Audio detection CCTV systems offer additional benefits, however. These benefits include, but are not limited to:
One of the main downsides to traditional CCTV systems is their heavily image-based nature. While these systems can show what a person looks like and how they move, they do not capture anything a person says.
This limits the extent to which you can monitor your property in the event of a crime. The ability to capture and record audio ensures that your CCTV system can monitor more effectively.
If a crime does occur on your property, an audio detection CCTV system will record high-quality evidence. This is particularly useful in the case of burglaries, as criminals often cover their faces during such activities. You can capture anything they say if you have an audio-detecting CCTV system. This can be crucial evidence for the police.
The presence of blind spots in visual security systems such as CCTV is a weakness. This will inhibit your ability to monitor and record activity on your property effectively.
If someone should commit a crime, however, it could also allow them to go undetected. Audio detection and recording will enable you to monitor people and events unseen by the cameras. This may not eliminate blind spots, but it can mitigate their effect.
One of the main benefits of audio detection in a CCTV system is the ability to gather information in a tailored manner. Audio detection CCTV systems can be set up to activate when a voice or noise is detected in their sphere.
You can also tailor the sensitivity of most systems. Of course, you can still ensure that your cameras run continually; having the system flag audio detections will make it easier to filter footage.
You could find it helpful daily if you invest in CCTV and audio detection for your business. For example, there may be times when a customer complains, or one employee makes claims about another.
While simple visual CCTV footage will show evidence of physical interactions, it cannot reveal what was said. An audio recording of interactions can make finding the truth in complex situations easy. This will enable you to make informed choices.
Audio detection CCTV systems address and mitigate many of the weaknesses of traditional CCTV. However, they are not infallible. Like traditional CCTV, audio detection systems can be damaged, vandalized, or hacked. Newer models do tend to have better security measures, though.
One unique disadvantage of audio detection CCTV systems is their sensitivity. Getting the right balance can take some work. When the sensitivity of the audio sensors is too high, your CCTV system may flag everyday events as necessary.
Likewise, very sensitive audio recorders may pick up a lot of background noise. This can garble important events and sounds, making it harder to get the necessary information. If you invest in an audio detection CCTV system, it is essential to take some time to figure out the right balance.
As you can see, audio detection and recording are valuable features for home and business security systems. Only you can decide whether an audio detection CCTV system is right for you. Knowing the benefits and potential weaknesses, you can make an informed decision.