Security is an integral element in the life of every individual. This is because it helps one to have a peace of mind wherever he is since he is aware that his life and belongings are safe. However, there are several ways that you can use to enhance overall security at your workplace and one of the ideal ways is by installing CCTV systems. On the other hand, it is important to understand that these systems can only be effective when fixed and integrated appropriately.
Therefore, there is necessity of ensuring that you install them correctly and some of the common mistakes to avoid when installing CCTV systems in your office include the following;
Failing to carry out proper and meticulous security assessment
· Conducting apt security analysis is very essential in ensuring that you obtain the desirable result from installing the CCTV cameras in your office.
· Therefore, when you fail to carry out thorough assessment of your office in Singapore, you are likely to fail in achieving the ultimate goal of enhancing security in that particular place of work.
· An appropriate and careful security analysis will also enable you to identify various aspects that could compromise the security of your belongings in the office as well as determining ideal places to fix these cameras on among other factors.
Installing CCTV in an office with intermittent lighting
· This is also another common mistake that many people and organizations usually do when fixing CCTV systems in their offices.
· It is essential to understand that these systems do not necessarily operate like human eyes and thus require appropriate lighting to be able to be effective in capturing occurrences.
· Therefore, be certain that you are installing these types of cameras in an office that has ideal lighting to enable them capture the footage accurately.
· You can also choose to install those that are auto-iris enabled since these will be able to adjust accordingly depending on the prevailing light.
Fixing CCTV cameras without involving the professionals
· With the harsh economic conditions that we are facing in the current era, many people would prefer to go for low-priced camera kits that can be installed without necessarily involving an expert in the installation process.
· However, it is vital to know that these types of systems can be very costly when installed without the help of professionals.
· This because the quality and installation process can be poor thus failing to become useful in enhancing security in the office.
· When you install these cameras on your own, there are chances that you will not fix them at the correct positions thus making it possible for them to produce low quality footage.
· It is therefore important to seek assistance of qualified, knowledgeable and reliable CCTV camera experts to help you in installing these systems in your office.
Failing to assign a responsible individual to assess and monitor footage
· This is also another common mistake that many people installing or planning to install CCTV systems in their offices should avoid.
· Ideally, the purpose of these systems is primarily to ensure that the overall security in the office is enhanced and that the employees are performing their tasks adequately.
· It is fundamental to understand that these can only be achievable when there is a dedicated person who views and keeps an eye on the recorded footage.
· The significance of this is that it will also make it easy for the entire CCTV system to be very effective since it will stay up and running accordingly. It will also be easy to produce a footage incase of dispute to act as evidence should the need arise.
Placing the control unit in an area that can be accessed by anyone
· When installing CCTV systems in your office, it is important to understand that the control unit of these systems should be placed in a spot that is only accessible by authorized personnel.
· This indispensable since it will enable your system to function effectively because the functionality can hardly be tampered by the unauthorized parties.
· Ensure that the control unit of this system is situated in a private room where not every member of staff can easily access it.
· The importance of this is that it will avert any cases of interfering with footage that bears evidence as well as preventing the system from being damaged by people who are not well-conversant with it.